Ayşe Gülhan Kanat Ünler Birth date and place: 22.04.1976 / Konya Married, 2 children Email : gkunler@hotmail.com Education: Primary school : Gazi Elementary School (1983-1987) High school : Atatürk Girls' High School (1990-1993) University : Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine(1993-1999) Specialization : Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine Minor Specialization: Başkent University Department of Gastroenterology(2005-2010)
Literature: 1- Kanat-Unler Gülhan, Teke Ozgür Gülsüm,Göktürk Hüseyın Savas,Karakoca Aydın,Erınanç Ozgür Hılal (2015). A comparison of five different treatment regimens as the first-line treatment of helicobacter pylori in turkey. Helicobacter, 2 Kanat-Unler Gülhan, Teke Ozgür Gülsüm,Göktürk Hüseyın Savas,Durukan Elıf, Erhamamcı Seval (2016). Does the urea breath test predict eradication of helicobacter pylori İnfection?. Acta gastroenterologica belgica(79), 3-7 3 -Kanat-Unler Gülhan, Göktürk Hüseyın Savas, Dogan Cemıle Rusına,Kıvanç Tülay, Karakoca Aydın. Consıcıous sedatıon could be a clue for dıagnosıng obstructıve Sleep apnea syndrome. Acta gastroenterologica belgica, 4 - Kanat-Unler Gülhan, Teke Ozgür Gülsüm, Göktürk Hüseyın Savas,Korkmaz Hüseyın, Erınanç Ozgür Hılal. Does the presence of colon polyps predıct gastrıc İntestınal metaplasıa? Turkish journal of gastroenterology 5 -Kanat-Unler Gulhan,göktürk hüseyın savas,Toprak Erzat,Erınanç Ozgür Hılal, Korkmaz Huseyın (2016). Does the presence of endometrial polyp predict colorectal polyp?. The american journal of the medical sciences, 351(2), 129-132., doi: 10.1016/j.amjms. 6- Korkmaz Huseyın, Kanat-Unler Gulhan,göktürk hüseyın savas,schmidt wolfgang, Kebapçılar levent (2015). Noninvasive estimation of disease activity and liver fibrosis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease using anthropometric and biochemical characteristics, including İnsulin, insulin resistance, and 13c-methionine breath test. European journal of gastroenterology& hepatology, 27(10), 1137-1143. 7-Akçaer Oztürk Nevin,Gokturk Huseyın Savas,Demır Mehmet,Erdogan Dogan,Kanat-Unler Gulhan,Gur Gurden,Yılmaz Ugur (2009). The effect of autonomous neuropathy on bowel Preparation in type 2 diabetes mellitus. International journal of colorectal disease, 24(12), 1407-1412. 8- Akçaer Oztürk Nevin, Gokturk Huseyın Savas,Demır Mehmet,Erdogan Dogan,Kanat-Unler Gulhan,Gur Gurden,Yılmaz Ugur (2010). Efficacy and safety of sodium phosphate for colon cleansing in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Southern medical journal, 103(11), 1097-1102. 9- Calıskan Mustafa, Gullu Ibrahım Hakan, Yılmaz Sema,Erdogan Dogan,Kanat-Unler Gulhan,Ciftci Ozgur,Topcu Semra,Kayhan Zeynep,Yucel Ahmet Eftal ,Muderrısoglu Ibrahım Haldun (2007). Impaired coronary microvascular function in familial mediterranean Fever. Atherosclerosis, 195(2), 161-167. 10- Tunc Recep, Caglayan Tunc Aygul,Kısakol Gurcan,Kanat-Unler Gulhan,Hidayetoglu Taha,Yazıcı Hasan (2007). Intraobserver and ınterobserver agreements of leg circumference Measurements by tape measure based on 3 reference points. Angiology, 58(5), 593-596. 11 -Gokturk Huseyın Savas,Demır Mehmet,Kanat-Unler Gulhan,Erbayrak Mustafa,Sakallı Murat, Yılmaz Ugur (2011). Does long-term aspirin use have any effect on helicobacter pylori Eradication? The american journal of the medical sciences, 342(1), 15-19. 12DuranCevdet,GokturkHuseyınSavas,KulaksızogluMustafa,BakdıkSuleyman,kanatünlerGülhan,Erbayrak Mustafa,Ozkaya Guven,Pamuk Barıs Onder,Gonen Mustafa Saıt (2012). Frequency of thyroid nodules among patients with colonic polyps. Gastroenterology Research and practice, 2012, 1-3. 13- Gullü Ibrahım Hakan,Calıskan Mustafa,Calıskan Zuhal,Kanat-Unler Gulhan,Ermısler Toker Fatma Eda,Cıftci Ozgur,Guven Aytekın,Muderrısoglu Ibrahım Haldun (2013). Coronary microvascular function, peripheral endothelial function and carotid ımt in betathalassemia minor. Thrombosis research, 131(6), 247-252. 14 -Gokturk Huseyın Savas,Demır Mehmet,Akçaer Ozturk Nevin,Kanat-Unler Gulhan, Kulaksızoglu Sevsen, Kozanoglu Ilknur,Serın Ender,Yılmaz Ugur (2009). Plasma Viscosity changes in patients with liver cirrhosis. Southern medical journal, 102(10), 1013- 1018. 15- Gokturk Huseyın Savas,Demır Mehmet,Akçaer Ozturk Nevin,Kanat-Unler Gulhan, Kulaksızoglu Sevsen, Kozanoglu Ilknur,Serın Ender,Yılmaz Ugur (2010). The role of Ascitic fluid viscosity in the differential diagnosis of ascites. Canadian journal of Gastroenterology, 24(4), 255-259. 16- Teke Ozgur Gulsum,Akdogan Mehmet Volkan,Kanat-Unler Gulhan,Gokturk Huseyın Savas (2015). A rare cause of acute dysphagia: abscess of the base of the tongue. Case Reports in gastrointestinal medicine, 2015, 1-3. 17-Cıcek Tufan, Gokturk Huseyın Savas,Kanat-Unler Gulhan (2015). Acute hepatocellular Drug ınduced liver ınjury probably by alfuzosin. Case reports in urology, 2015,1-3. 18- Teke Ozgur Gulsum, Kanat-Unler Gulhan,Gokturk HuseyınSavas ,Dogan Cemıle Rusına(2015). Pulmonary sequestration presenting with recurrent abdominal pain. British journal ofMedicine and medical research, 6(12), 1186-1189. 19- Kanat-Unler Gulhan,Gokturk Huseyın Savas, Teke Ozgur Gulsum ,Togan Turhan (2016). Should we remember adrenal ınsuffıcıency ın acute gastroenterıtıs? Acta medica mediterranea (32), 431-433. 20- Kanat-Unler Gulhan, Teke Ozgur Gulsum, Gokturk Huseyın Savas,Erınanç Ozgur Hılal, Kal Oznur (2016). Gastric metastatis of renal cell carcinoma presenting as polyps. British Journal of medicine and medical research, 11(8), 1-5. 21 -Ozcımen Emel Ebru,Uckuyu ayla,Kanat-Unler Gulhan, Gokturk Huseyın Savas ,Yılmaz Ugur (2010). Unusal presentation of liver dysfunction in the later stages of pregnancy. The Turkish journal of gastroenterology, 21(3), 327-329. 22- Gokturk Huseyın Savas, Kanat-Unler Gulhan, Gokturk bahar (2016). Reactivation of Resolved hepatits b virus ınfection before the relaps oflymphoma:ımmunosuppressive effect ofThe lymphoproliferative disorders?. Acta gastro-enterologica belgica(79), 63-64. 23-,Kanat-Unler Gulhan, Ecırlı Samıl (2015). 1996-2003 yılları arasında yatırılarak tetkik Edilen 539 anemili hastanın degerlendirilmesi. Selçuk tıp dergisi, 31(3), 109-112. 24- Turan Hale, Serefhanoglu Kıvanc,Kanat-Unler Gulhan,Arslan Ayse Hande (2011). Seroprevalance of hbsag and anti-hcv and their correlation to age and gender in blood donors İn the province of konya. Klimik dergisi/klimik journal, 24(1), 36-39. 25- Turan Hale, Horasanlı Bahrıye,Serefhanoglu kıvanc,Kanat-Unler Gulhan, Tımurkaynak Funda, Arslan Ayse Hande (2007). Metronidazol tedavisine baglı periferik nöropati. Ankem Dergisi, 21(2), 98-100 26- Kanat-Unler Gulhan, Teke Ozgur Gulsum,Erınanç Ozgür Hılal,Gokturk Huseyın Savas (2015). Eozinofilik gastroenteritin nadir bir formu: eozinofilik asit. Cukurova medical journal, 40(3), 597-600. 27- Erhamamcı Seval, Kanat-Unler Gulhan,Aktas Ayse (2010). Gallium-67 scintigraphy in a Case of tuberculous peritonitis. Turkish journal of nucleer medicine, 19(1), 36-40. 28- Karadelı Elıf, Kayahan Ulu Esra Meltem,Yıldırım Erkan,Kanat-Unler Gulhan,Kıyıcı Halıl (2016). Computed tomography and ultrasonographıc fındıngs of hepatıc involvement Related to eosınophılıa mımıckıng lıver metastases:report of 2 cases.. Marmara medical journal,23(1), 45-50. 29- Coban Cıfçı Gokcen, Ciftci Bilal Egemen, Goktürk Huseyın Savas,Kanat-Unler Gulhan, Yıldırım Erkan (2014). Nadir görülen bir duodenum obstrüksiyonu nedeni: ıntramural hematom.Cukurova medical journal, 39(3), 650-653 |
Ayşe Gülhan Kanat Ünler Birth date and place: 22.04.1976 / Konya
Married, 2 children
Email : gkunler@hotmail.com Education: University: Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine (1993-1999) Specialization : Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine
Minor Specialization : Başkent University Department of Gastroenterology
Associate professor :14.11.2017
Foreign language:English; intermediate level Literature
A.Articles published in international refereed journals:
A1. Unler GK, Gokturk HS, Toprak E, Erinanc OH, Korkmaz H.Does the Presence of Endometrial Polyp Predict Colorectal Polyp?Am J Med Sci. 2016; 351(2):129-32.
A2 Unler GK, Teke Ozgur G, Gokturk HS, Karakoca A, Erinanc OH.A Comparison of Five Different Treatment Regimens as the First-Line Treatment of Helicobacter pylori in Turkey. Helicobacter. 2015 Dec 1
A3. Unler GK, Ozgur GT, Gokturk HS, Durukan E, Erhamamci S.Does the urea breath test predict eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection?Acta Gastroenterol Belg. 2016 Jan-Mar;79(1):3-7.
A4.Ünler GK, Teke Özgür G, Göktürk HS, Korkmaz H, Erinanç ÖH.Is there any association between colonic polyps and gastric intestinal metaplasia? Turk J Gastroenterol. 2016 May;27(3):221-6.
A5.Unler GK, Gokturk HS, Dogan R, Kivane T, Karakoca A.Conscious sedation : clues for diagnosing obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Acta Gastroenterol Belg. 2016 Jul-Sep;79(3):289-293.
A6. Korkmaz H, Unler GK, Gokturk HS, Schmidt WE, Kebapcilar L.Noninvasive estimation of disease activity and liver fibrosis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease using anthropometric and biochemical characteristics, including insulin, insulin resistance, and 13C-methionine breath test. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015 ;27(10):1137-43.
A7. Gullu H, Caliskan M, Caliskan Z, Unler GK, Ermisler E, Ciftci O, Guven A, Muderrisoglu H.Coronary Microvascular function, Peripheral Endothelial Function and Carotid IMT in beta-thalassemia minor. Thromb Res. 2013 ;131(6):e247-52
A8. Duran C, Gokturk HS, Kulaksizoglu M, Bakdik S, Unler GK, Erbayrak M, Ozkaya G, Pamuk BO, Gonen MS.Frequency of Thyroid Nodules among Patients with Colonic Polyps.Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2012;2012:178570.
A9. Gokturk HS, Demir M, Unler GK, Erbayrak M, Sakalli M, Yilmaz U.Does long-term aspirin use have any effect on Helicobacter pylori eradication?Am J Med Sci. 2011 ;342(1):15-9.
A10. Ozturk NA, Gokturk HS, Demir M, Unler GK, Gur G, Yilmaz U.Efficacy and safety of sodium phosphate for colon cleansing in type 2 diabetes mellitus.South Med J. 2010 ;103(11):1097-102.
A11. Gokturk HS, Demir M, Ozturk NA, Unler GK, Kulaksizoglu S, Kozanoglu I, Serin E, Yilmaz U.The role of ascitic fluid viscosity in the differential diagnosis of ascites.Can J Gastroenterol. 2010 ;24(4):255-9.
A12. Gokturk HS, Demir M, Ozturk NA, Unler GK, Kulaksizoglu S, Kozanoglu I, Serin E, Yilmaz U.Plasma viscosity changes in patients with liver cirrhosis. South Med J. 2009;102(10):1013-8.
A13.Ozturk NA, Gokturk HS, Demir M, Erdogan D, Unler GK, Gur G, Yilmaz U.The effect of autonomous neuropathy on bowel preparation in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2009 Dec;24(12):1407-12
A14. Tunc R, Caglayan-Tunc A, Kisakol G, Unler GK, Hidayetoglu T, Yazici H. Angiology. 2007;58(5):593-6.
A15. Caliskan M, Gullu H, Yilmaz S, Erdogan D, Unler GK, Ciftci O, Topcu S, Kayhan Z, Yucel E, Muderrisoglu H.Impaired coronary microvascular function in familial Mediterranean fever.Atherosclerosis. 2007 ;195(2):e161-7
Case reports published in international refereed journals:
1.Ozgur GT, Akdogan MV, Unler GK, Gokturk HS.A rare cause of acute Dysphagia: abscess of the base of the tongue.Case Rep Gastrointest Med. 2015;2015:431738
2.Cicek T, Gokturk HS, Unler GK.Acute hepatocellular drug induced liver injury probably by alfuzosin.Case Rep Urol. 2015;2015:101062.
3.Özçımen EE, Uçkuyu A, Unler GK, Göktürk HS, Yilmaz U.Unusal presentation of liver dysfunction in the later stages of pregnancy.Turk J Gastroenterol. 2010 Sep;21(3):327-9.
4.Gulsum Teke Ozgur, Gulhan Kanat Unler, Cemile Ruşina Dogan and Huseyin Savas Gokturk Pulmonary Sequestration Presenting with Recurrent Abdominal Pain British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research. 2015;6(12): 1186-1189.
B. Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in the proceedings: Huseyin Savas Gokturk,Mehmet Demir,Nevin Akcaer Ozturk,Gulhan Kanat Unler;İlknur Kozanoğlu,Ender Serin,Uğur Yılmaz.Plasma viscosity changes in patients with liver cirrhosis44th Annual Meeting of the European Association fort he Study of the liver;Copenhagen,Denmark; April22-26,2009.
D. Articles published in national refereed journals: D1. Hale Turan, Kıvanc Şerefhanoğlu,Gulhan Kanat-Unler, Hande Arslan. Konya İlinde Kan Donorlerinde HBsAg ve Anti-HCV Seroprevalansı ve Yaş ve Cinsiyetle İlişkisi. Klimik Dergisi 2011; 24(1): 36-9 D2. Ayşe Gülhan Kanat Ünler , Şamil Ecirli. 1996-2003 Yılları Arasında Yatırılarak Tetkik Edilen 539 Anemili Hastanın Değerlendirilmesi. Selçuk Tıp Derg 2015;31(3): 109-1 12
2.Hale Turan, Bahriye Horasanlı, Kıvanç Şerefhanoğlu, Gülhan Kanat Ünler, Funda Timurkaynak, Hande Arslan.Metranidazol Tedavisine Bağlı Periferik Nöropati. ANKEM Derg 2007;21(2):98-100.
3.Seval Erhamamcı Günel, Ayşe Gülhan Kant Ünler, Ayşe Aktaş. Gallium-67 Scintigraphy in a Case of Tuberculous Peritonitis. Turk J Nucl Med 2010;19(1):36-40.
4.Gülhan Kanat Ünler, Gülsüm Teke Özgür, Özgür Hilal Erinanç, Hüseyin Savaş Göktürk Eozinofilik Gastroenteritin Nadir Bir Formu: Eozinofilik Asit. Cukurova Medical Journal 2015;40(3):597-600.
5.Elif Karadeli, Esra Meltem Kayahan Ulu, Erkan Yıldırım, Gulhan Kanat Unler, Halil Kıyıcı Computed tomography and ultrasonographıc fındıngs of hepatıc involvement related to eosınophılıa mımıckıng lıver metastases:Report of 2 cases. Marmara Medical Journal 2010;23(1);45-50.
E. Papers delivered orally at national scientific meetings:
E1. Gülhan Kanat Unler, Huseyin Savaş Göktürk, Ruşina Doğan, Tülay Kıvanç, Aydın Karakoca.Bilinçli Sedasyon Obsturictive Sleep Apne Sendromu Tanısında İpucu Olabilir mi? 32. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, 25-29 Kasım 2015.
Gülhan Kanat Unler, Gülsüm Teke Özgür, Hüseyin Savaş Göktürk, Hüseyin Korkmaz, Özgür Hilal Erinanaç.Kolon polipleri gastrik intestinal metaplaziyi predikte eder mi? 32. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, 25-29 Kasım 2015. |